Facebook is moving to prioritising videos & focusing on Reels

Meta has released a list of Facebook’s top-performing content during the second half of 2021.

The information reveals that Organic posts – which make up the majority of the posts – are basically wasted effort.

However video links are doing very well and Facebook is intending to boost its video content to catch up with competitors Tik Tok and Youtube.

Links struggle & video soars  

Video presented strongly within the top five viewed domains, with YouTube coming out on top and TikTok coming in at number 4.

  1. youtube.com = 168.1M content views
  2. media1.tenor.co = 118.4M content views
  3. gofundme.com = 112.4M content views
  4. tiktok.com = 105M content views
  5. dailymail.co.uk = 86.2M content views

It’s interesting to note that video also dominated the top 10 most widely viewed posts.

There were eight on the list, with two memes rounding out the rest. Exploring further, video accounted for 15 of the top 20 performing posts. Memes made up the other five.

All of that makes sense when you think about how video has slowly taken over the platform, especially now Meta is making a massive play with Reels.

Reels were only launched in Australia in February 2022.

They are a new way to create short, entertaining videos, get discovered by new audiences and be part of cultural moments on Facebook. Effects and music can be added to your reel or use your own original audio, allowing you to bring your ideas to life and share them with your audience.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently discussed a significant change in direction for Facebook and Instagram to prioritising popular video content offering a potentially substantial upside for brands that regularly produce compelling video content beyond their immediate followers.

Mark Zuckerberg, Meta CEO, April 2022

“There are two key trends that we’re seeing here: first, the increasing popularity of short-form video; and second, the advancement of AI recommendations driving more of our feeds rather than just social content

…The second point is that while we’re experiencing an increase in short-form video, we’re also seeing a major shift in feeds from being almost exclusively curated by your social graph or follow graph to now having more of your feed recommended by AI, even if the content wasn’t posted by a friend or someone you follow.

On that basis, in the subsequent Widely Viewed Content Reports that Meta will release ongoing, it will be interesting to see how this evolves as Meta looks to close its gaping video gap with YouTube and TikTok.

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